Our policy of investment in expanding our capacity and capabilities has continued in 2019, with a range of new equipment.
Our policy of investment in expanding our capacity and capabilities has continued in the first four months of 2019, with a range of new equipment:
CNC - Hurco 5 Axis VMX42Ui. Our eighth 5 Axis CNC responding to growing customer demand https://www.hurco.com/en-gb/machine-tools/our-control/Documents/17788_5-AxisBrochure_WEB.pdf
Metrology - Digimar 817 CLM Quick Height for accurate rapid measurement of large pieces. www.threadcheck.com/technical-documents/mahr-digimar-height-measuring-scribing-instrument-817-clm.pdf
Filtermist Extraction Filter – fitted to machining centre to remove oil mist from our factory.
Additive Manufacturing - Formlabs Form 2 SLA 3D Printer https://formlabs.com/store/uk/form-2/
Bridgeport Manual Milling machine
Box & Pan Folder Morgan Rushworth - Up to 2mm bending thickness capacity and a maximum bending length of 2000mm https://www.morganrushworth.com/productlist/morgan-rushworth-bpc-counterbalance-box-pan-folders/
Full details of all our equipment are updated monthly and available as a download: