

We have extensive experience providing rapid response engineering components and tooling solutions for the automotive sector.

Working with customer Non-Disclosure Agreements, our precision engineering work for automotive customers conforms to the following manufacturing quality certifications:


Automotive OEMs

Supporting automotive OEMs with the ability to reverse engineer and manufacture broken parts to keep production lines running.

Laser Scanning

Repair of pressed tool punch and dies, without the need for CAD data by using laser scanning and CMM metrology to reproduce the components.

Bespoke Components

Design and manufacture of bespoke components.

Unique Exhaust Systems

Manufacture of bespoke exhaust systems.

Plenum Design

Bespoke Plenum design and manufacture.

Oil Pumps

Design, test and manufacture oil pumps for specialist applications.

EV Manufacturing

We understand the demands of Electric and Autonomous Vehicles to manufacture using lightweight materials such as aluminium and a reduction in the number of components.

We can manufacture EV components such as rotor and stator cores, rotor hubs, bearing supports and battery enclosures.

Gary & Mark With A+5 Engine Blocks